Triathlon Tips From a Swimmer, a Cyclist and a Runner
4 April 2015
Triathlon Tips From a Swimmer, a Cyclist and a Runner
Here are their answers:
Improving swimming: others´ experience, goal, regularity
Others´ experience: Ask best swimmers for advice. Good swimming is based on technique which no two sportsmen learn equally. It´s important to find a coach or a more experienced teammate to be right up your alley. They are individual approach and constant supervision of experienced swimmers that is needed
Goal: Swimming pool and open water are obviously two different worlds. Starting signal is given and water turns into a washing machine. It becomes impossible to swim at your own pace. That is why you should train in the pool with alterations in speed – speed up and slow down. Doing so, your body will get used to react on necessary speed alterations in a racing day and you will maneuver better among the other swimmers.
Regularity: When training in the pool regularity is of a higher importance than duration. During long trainings we think of how to stay afloat and not about the technique. A tired swimmer swims as one feels comfortable but incorrectly therefore the efficiency of training decreases. Working on technique you should swim less, but more often. As a result you will longer stay fresh.
Improving cycling skills: more effort, more agility
More effort: Many triathletes especially those taking part in long-course races focus on stamina and cruising speed power. However, on the race you might need extra forces. This reserve is formed on trainings at a speed above your racing tempo.
More agility: Ask your coach to teach you control a bicycle better. If you learn to avoid abrupt accelerations and slowing down on turns and climbs you will save time and powers on a cycling stage. Lots of forces are wasted on "mental energy" when you are unsure if you do some elements correctly.
To improve your riding skills train regularly with professional cyclists, work with a coach and don´t fear to take part in cycling competitions.
Improving running: precise moves, correct posture, tempo
It´s highly likely you do overkill. Surprised? Really, as professional runners note, runners´ trainings are easier than those of triathletes. Instead of running faster or more often pay attention to the technique:
Precise moves: Don´t make big moves with your arms and legs.
Correct posture: pay attention to the position of your corpus to your hips. Don´t you’re your back, ensure your shoulders are not too much aback or in front. Run "straight". You must strengthen your loin and hips to do so.  
Tempo: After the cycling stage your step will be shorter. Do exercise to create a neuromuscular contact for an easy fast tempo.
As you see, to advance in each discipline you should pay more attention to the technique. This means that a triathlete has lots to learn from training with professional runners, cyclists and swimmers.